Retail and eFulfilment Logistics

Streamline your supply chain for peak efficiency

Ensure your products are delivered on time, in full, and without any errors is crucial to maintaining customer satisfaction and staying ahead of the competition.

At Dexory, we understand the unique challenges faced by the retail logistics industry and are here to provide you with tailored solutions that guarantee high velocity of goods, complete deliveries, and no missed orders.

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Transform your operations with unmatched speed, accuracy and reliability

Ensure full deliveries, fast turnarounds and zero missed orders.

Automated cycle counting
Effortlessly manage your retail inventory with real-time accuracy, ensuring that every item is in stock and available for prompt fulfilment, minimising stockouts and customer dissatisfaction.
Productivity boost
Enhance operational efficiency and save time with automated stock reconciliation, streamlining your processes to handle high volumes of orders quickly and accurately, while maximising productivity and reducing errors.
Efficiency insights
Optimise profitability with advanced inventory analysis, ensuring precise order fulfilment and efficient operations. Our solutions help you reduce costs, manage stock levels effectively, and improve customer satisfaction by preventing missed or incomplete orders.

Automate your cycle counting

Eliminate the labour-intensive and time-consuming inventory checks of the past. Transition from tedious manual counts to continuous inventory monitoring, ensuring parts and components are always available when needed.

With automated cycle counting, you can align stock availability precisely with customer demand. Effortlessly move from manual processes to real-time inventory management, optimising your operations and ensuring timely access to stock–popular items are always in stock, while avoiding excess inventory, which can tie up valuable resources.

Full stock reconciliation

Achieve complete stock reconciliation and save hundreds of hours by eliminating misplaced item errors in the first place, significantly boosting productivity.

By minimising errors and ensuring every item is precisely where it should be, this feature eliminates the need for exhaustive searches and manual adjustments.

Pick face analysis

Identify discrepancies when location inventory is lower than expected compared to the WMS, allowing warehouse operators to address real issues effectively in locations that are at risk eliminating the need for a blind perpetual count.

Additionally, this feature can trigger replenishment alerts when inventory levels fall below predefined thresholds, ensuring timely restocking and preventing stockouts.

Block stack analysis

The block stack analysis supports a 'managing by exception' approach, allowing for optimised resource allocation and increased productivity. Daily stock rectification helps minimise discrepancies and waste, which is vital for maintaining the accuracy of your inventory.

Additionally, it facilitates informed replenishment decisions with detailed reports on inventory mismatches, helping you avoid stockouts and overstocking.

Dexory uses data-led robotic and AI technology to optimise operations at Huboo warehouses:

  • Space optimisation: Optimised operations and realised maximised efficiency by pushing to 99% occupancy.

  • Immediate financial benefit: Aligning with the optimisation programme, realised reduced costs of inventory by 10% per year.

  • Customer satisfaction: Optimum customer experience for clients = +5pt customer satisfaction.

What the industry says

The rise of e-commerce has significantly impacted warehousing and logistics. In 2023, e-commerce sales worldwide reached approximately $6.3 trillion, and this is expected to grow to over $8 trillion by 2026. (source: eMarketer)

E-commerce's rapid growth has increased demand for warehousing space, particularly for facilities equipped with advanced automation and robotics. (source: Forbes)

Who we work with

And what they're saying about us

’Embracing the latest advancements, Maersk continues to drive efficiency, enhance sustainability, and deliver exceptional value to its customers while shaping the future of global trade’’.

Inventory accuracy improved by 4% in 2 months | Move from 150 locations/h to 10,000 locations/h via automation | Wall-to-wall inventory checks moved from annual to daily

Dragoș Dumitrescu Country Manager at Maersk Romania

"The deployment of Dexory’s robotics and AI solution underscores our dedication to staying at the forefront of technological advancements and highlights our pursuit of operational excellence."

Daniel Spencer Director - Solutions and Engineering at DB Schenker Americas

“This collaboration marks a significant milestone in the evolution of inventory management and warehouse data acquisition.”

Consistently averaging 98% putaway accuracy | Increased inventory accuracy by 5% in 8 weeks | Manual checks reduced by 41% in two months

Benoit Boiron Group Innovation Manager at ID Logistics

“The use of robotics and automation helps to optimise our warehouse space, which reduces costs, improves performance and stock accuracy, and removes downtime for manual stock takes”.

Wall-to-wall counting reduced from 100 hrs/month for a single wall-to-wall to 2 hrs and daily wall-to-walls | Zero lost items | Increased warehouse cleanliness and label consistency within two weeks

Darren Felstead Head of Contract Logistics at Yusen Logistics

Experience the future of retail logistics

Discover how our tailored solutions for the retail industry enable you to efficiently gather, analyse, and communicate data.

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This company has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 849938