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Unravelling robotics and automation: Their role in optimising warehouse operations

Research by Forrester has found that automation – including robotics, artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine learning (ML) – is already a defining industry trend that will continue to expand in the next two decades. It is also one of the most popular choices for improving operational efficiency with tactical automation.

Easing the pressure

At first glance, it would appear that the only way for companies to ease the pressure will be to introduce big changes to the way they operate along the supply chains. At the same time, automation in logistics and warehousing present immediate solutions and immense opportunities for early adopters. Companies can differentiate their propositions through improved services, efficiencies throughout the workforce, space optimisation and high-speed fulfilment: From the automation of inventory into, within, and out of the warehouse and then onwards to customers with minimal human assistance, to the labour-intensive tasks that involve repetitive physical work, manual data entry and analysis. Companies can also improve operations by minimising human errors with real time data. For the early adopters and those willing to start mitigating the risks, the required solutions are already available. For the early adopters and those willing to start mitigating the risks, the required solutions are already available.

Detailed simulation of actual warehouses use live data to predict dynamics and enable understanding, learning and reasoning. This is a process often undertaken by the business once, after which it is rarely updated or used to its full advantage. The value of using the digital twin lies in updating it daily and comparing it with the previous day’s data, to benefit from the real-time insights. As a result, the company can optimise its present operations, de-risk the future, and discover the intractable in each location.

Learn more about how robotics and automation are revolutionising logistics and warehouse management in our white paper:

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This company has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 849938