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Trends Explained: UK shopping via social media surges by 32% since 2022 and impact the warehouse automation market

You’ve probably noticed how much easier it is to shop directly through social media these days. In the UK, shopping via social platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook Marketplace has exploded, surging by 32% since 2022. If you’re a business owner or involved in the supply chain, you know this isn’t just a trend—it’s a shift that’s changing how we approach everything from warehousing to the use of AI.

Social commerce is changing the game

Imagine this: millions of people, especially those aged 16 to 26, are now turning to their favourite social media apps to make purchases. TikTok Shop, in particular, has become a powerhouse, with 71% of young social shoppers choosing it as their go-to platform. This isn’t just about convenience; it’s about creating an engaging, seamless experience that turns browsing into buying in a matter of seconds.

As social commerce continues to grow, it’s creating new challenges and opportunities for the industry. For businesses like yours, that means it’s time to rethink how you handle everything behind the scenes—from storage and order fulfilment to the very way you process and deliver these orders.

The role of warehousing: Adapt or fall behind

With the surge in social commerce, warehousing needs to be more dynamic than ever. You can’t rely on the traditional, static models of inventory management anymore. Today’s consumers expect their orders to arrive quickly, and when you’re dealing with the speed of social media, “quickly” means almost instantly.

That’s where automation comes in. Automated warehousing systems, powered by robotics and AI, are no longer a luxury—they’re a necessity. By integrating these technologies, you can manage inventory more efficiently, reduce human error, and speed up the entire fulfilment process. Think of it as the backbone that supports your ability to meet the fast-paced demands of social commerce.

Explore how daily inventory counts matter in this current climate

Robotics: The new support for your workforce

If you’ve been hesitant about adopting robotics in your operations, now might be the time to reconsider. Robotics in warehousing isn’t about replacing manual labour; it’s about enhancing your capability to scale and meet growing demands. Robots can handle repetitive tasks like picking, packing, inventory counts and sorting with incredible precision and speed, allowing your human workforce to focus on more complex, value-added activities.

The integration of robotics into warehousing is particularly crucial when dealing with the high-volume, low-margin nature of social commerce. By automating these processes, you’re not just keeping up—you’re staying ahead.

Dexory’s autonomous robots, designed for high-speed and high-accuracy scanning, can scan up to a million square feet and 100,000 pallets in a single day. This capability ensures that warehouses maintain real-time visibility into their inventory, even under the stress of increased order volumes.

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AI: Your strategic partner

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the underappreciated contributor in this entire ecosystem. From predicting trends to optimising supply chains, AI plays a critical role in making sure you’re not just meeting today’s demands but anticipating tomorrow’s. Imagine having an AI system that can analyse social media trends in real time, adjust your inventory levels accordingly, and even optimise your pricing strategy. It’s like having a crystal ball that helps you stay one step ahead of the competition.

For businesses that are already leveraging social media to sell, AI can be a game-changer. It’s not just about automating tasks but about making smarter, data-driven decisions that can drive growth and efficiency.

The bottom line: Embrace the future

Social commerce is here to stay, and it’s growing faster than many of us could have anticipated. But with this growth comes a new set of challenges—and opportunities. By embracing automation, robotics, and AI, you’re not just keeping pace with the industry’s evolution; you’re setting yourself up to thrive in it.

If you’re in warehousing, logistics, or any part of the supply chain, now is the time to innovate. The future of retail isn’t just happening on the high street or in online marketplaces—it’s happening on social media, and it’s happening now. How you adapt will define your success in this rapidly changing landscape.

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This company has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 849938