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The Riding Unicorn Podcast: Dexory's journey in Robotics and AI

Only a few industries embody innovation like robotics and AI. Dexory, a leading UK company, is at the forefront of this transformation, reshaping logistics with its advanced solutions.

Recently, Oana Jinga, Co-founder and Chief Commercial Product Officer at Dexory, shared insights into her journey as Founder at the Riding Unicorns podcast, and shed light on Dexory’s trajectory and the future of automated warehouse management.

The genesis of Dexory

Founded over eight years ago, Dexory started with a vision to innovate how data is collected and managed within warehouses. Oana Jinga, drawing from her extensive background in tech giants like Google and O2, along with her co-founders, embarked on a journey to bridge the gap between traditional warehouse management practices and cutting-edge technology. Today, Dexory stands at the forefront of autonomous robotics, with offices in Oxfordshire and Central London, boasting a team of over 150 professionals dedicated to reshaping the logistics landscape.

Dexory’s DNA: Where it all began

Embracing innovation and entrepreneurship

Oana Jinga's entrepreneurial journey is rooted in a deep-seated passion for technology and innovation. Despite coming from a family of professionals in stable careers, her fascination with tech from an early age led her to pursue roles at prominent tech firms before co-founding Dexory. Reflecting on her experience, she emphasises the importance of human connections and customer-centricity in driving Dexory's growth, distinguishing it from mere technological advancement to meaningful business impact.

The role of tech giants in shaping Dexory's DNA

Having spent over six years at Google, Oana acknowledges the profound influence of her tenure on shaping her entrepreneurial mindset. She highlights Google's decentralised structure and emphasis on product-focused innovation as pivotal in preparing her for the challenges of scaling a startup. Moreover, the tech industry's dynamic nature and the community of ex-Googlers turned entrepreneurs have further enriched Dexory's approach, fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation.

Starting with the right foundations

Oana emphasised the importance of understanding and embracing the complexities inherent in entrepreneurship. When asked if she would still embark on her startup journey knowing its challenges, her answer was affirmative. She stressed the need for laying solid foundations early on, advocating for robust systems like HR management from day one. Such systems, she noted, are pivotal in streamlining operations and fostering scalable growth.

The evolution of process in scaling

Scaling a startup, Oana noted, requires a delicate balance between agility and structured processes. While speed is essential, she emphasised the strategic implementation of processes to support growth without stifling agility. This approach has been instrumental for Dexory as they navigated rapid expansion from a small team to over 150 employees, maintaining operational efficiency while fostering a dynamic work environment.

Leadership and delegation in growth

Transitioning from a hands-on founder to a leader capable of delegation was another challenge Oana addressed. She acknowledged the personal and organisational growth required to empower a capable leadership team. Trust-building, she emphasised, is crucial—both in hiring the right talent and in relinquishing control strategically. This evolution allows founders to focus on strategic initiatives while nurturing a cohesive team capable of sustaining and scaling the business.

Looking ahead: The future of robotics in logistics

As Dexory continues to innovate, Oana Jinga envisions a future where robotics and AI redefine the logistics landscape. While humanoid robots and automated warehouses garner attention, Dexory remains steadfast in its commitment to data-centric solutions.

Rather than focusing on hardware development, Dexory aims to enhance its AI capabilities to extract deeper insights and optimise warehouse operations further. This strategic focus underscores Dexory's commitment to staying ahead in a rapidly evolving industry.

Who would you invite to your dream dinner party?

The podcast also explored Oana's eclectic choices for a dream dinner party, featuring her future self, Sheryl Sandberg, and Barack Obama. Each choice reflected Oana's admiration for leadership, resilience, and visionary thinking.

"I would love to have dinner with my future self... What would you have done differently?" Oana mused, highlighting her introspective outlook and desire for personal growth.

Also, tune in to this episode on Apple and Spotify.

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This company has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 849938