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Supply chain disruptions: 5 strategies to counter them

Supply chains form the backbone of businesses. Disruptions, ranging from natural disasters to geopolitical tensions, can significantly impact businesses, causing ripples across industries. Currently, global events are converging, creating a seemingly never-ending storm of disruption for supply chains. This ongoing reality serves as a relentless test for the creativity, adaptability, and resilience of supply chain leaders.

In this blog post, we will delve into the various types of disruptions that can occur in supply chains and explore effective strategies to counter these challenges.

What causes supply chain disruptions?

Supply chain disruptions can impact the production and transportation of goods, leading to delays and shortages. Additionally, issues within supplier networks, such as production delays or quality issues, can also disrupt the supply chain.

Disruptions can broadly be categorised into internal and external risks, each with its distinct origins and impacts on businesses.

1. External Risks

a. Natural disasters: Natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes damage infrastructure, disrupt transportation, and impact suppliers, causing delays and interruptions.

b. Political and geopolitical factors: Political instability, trade disputes, tariffs, and policy changes can create uncertainty, affecting international trade relationships and causing supply chain disruptions.

c. Economic factors: Economic downturns, currency fluctuations, inflation, and shifts in consumer spending can influence supply and demand patterns, impacting supply chain stability.

d. Pandemics and health crises: Disease outbreaks like COVID-19 cause labour shortages, factory closures, and movement restrictions, disrupting global supply chains significantly.

e. Supplier issues: Supplier issues like bankruptcy, quality problems, or production delays disrupt the supply of materials, impacting downstream manufacturing processes.

f. Transportation disruptions: Issues like port closures, strikes, fuel shortages, or accidents can disrupt the movement of goods, causing delays and logistical challenges.

g. Cyber-attacks and security breaches: Cyber threats like ransomware attacks can compromise data, disrupt digital operations, and halt production processes.

2. Internal risks

a. Operational failures: Internal operational issues like machinery breakdowns or inefficient processes.

b. Quality control problems: Finding defects or quality issues in products can lead to recalls, production stoppages, and delays as corrective actions are taken.

c. Poor supplier relationships: Weak supplier relationships or overreliance on a single supplier can make the supply chain vulnerable to disruptions if the supplier encounters issues.

d. Lack of visibility and coordination: Inadequate visibility and poor coordination in supply chain activities lead to inefficiencies, delays, and miscommunications, causing disruptions.

Strategies to manage and respond to supply chain disruptions

1. Building resilience through supplier diversification

Relying on a single supplier or a single transportation route can be a recipe for disaster. By diversifying suppliers and transportation methods, businesses can spread the risk. This might involve sourcing raw materials from multiple suppliers or using different shipping routes to reach the same destination. Diversification enhances flexibility, allowing businesses to adapt swiftly to changing circumstances.

Also, another proactive approach involves identifying potential disruptions, securing backup suppliers in advance, and establishing agreements to ensure swift alternative sourcing.

2. Investing in technology and data analytics

In the digital age, technology is a powerful ally in mitigating supply chain disruptions. Implementing advanced data analytics can provide predictive insights into demand patterns and potential risks. IoT (Internet of Things) devices and sensors can offer real-time visibility into the movement and condition of goods, enabling proactive decision-making.

Supply chain management software equipped with AI algorithms can optimise inventory levels, streamline logistics, and enhance overall efficiency. Embracing technology not only improves operational visibility but also bolsters decision-making processes.

3. Establishing strong communication and collaboration

Establishing strong relationships with suppliers, distributors, and other stakeholders fosters transparency and trust. Real-time communication channels ensure that everyone is informed promptly about disruptions or changes in demand. Collaborative partnerships enable businesses to share risks and collectively develop contingency plans. Effective communication and collaboration facilitate coordinated responses, minimising the impact of disruptions on the entire supply chain network.

For instance, a smartphone manufacturer can see one of his key suppliers facing unexpected delays in delivering microchips due to a production glitch. With strong supplier relationships and real-time communication channels, they both quickly learn about the issue. Collaboratively, they adjust production schedules, temporarily source from other suppliers, and expedite the resolution.

4. Creating robust contingency plans: Proactively preparing for disruption

Developing comprehensive contingency plans involves identifying potential risks, evaluating their impact, and devising strategies to mitigate these risks. Businesses can implement inventory buffering, where essential items are stocked in advance.

Additionally, creating alternative production facilities or identifying backup suppliers can ensure a continuous flow of goods. Regularly testing these contingency plans through simulations and scenario analysis prepares businesses to respond effectively when disruptions occur.

5. Aiming for end-to-end supply chain visibility

End-to-end visibility goes beyond the fact of knowing where goods are at any point in the supply chain; it provides real-time insights and data and an understanding of partners across the whole supply chain, from procurement of raw materials to consumers.

Supply chain visibility is crucial for early issue detection and prevention. It involves tracking inventory movement and delivery timelines, ensuring swift responses to problems.

For instance, achieving end-to-end supply chain visibility can involve real-time monitoring with autonomous robots that utilise IoT and sensors for real-time tracking of goods in transit, enabling immediate response to disruptions. It is closely linked to data analytics as well, the implementation of advanced analytics tools for analysing data and forecasting demand, enabling proactive decision-making and risk mitigation.


In the face of supply chain disruptions, businesses must be proactive, adaptive, and resilient. By understanding the nature of disruptions, diversifying supply sources, embracing technology, fostering strong communication, and creating robust contingency plans, businesses can respond more efficiently to supply chain challenges and disruptions.

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This company has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 849938