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ROSCon'23: Bidirectional navigation with Nav2, Guillaume Doisy

Back in October, we were a proud sponsor of ROSCon 2023, where Guillaume Doisy, Lead Architect Engineer at Dexory, shared insights on the intricacies of Bidirectional Navigation with Nav2: some specific aspects of robotic navigation systems, particularly in the context of robotics and autonomous vehicles.

Building robots is a challenging problem to solve, and Dexory's commitment to the open-source community guarantees a collaborative and innovative approach to overcoming these challenges.

The recording of the talk is now available:

Many robots possess a non-circular footprint which is often symmetrical (a rectangular footprint for instance). This theoretically allows these robots to move without a preferred direction of motion. However the software controlling these symmetrical robots should support such bidirectionality. Recent updates in Nav2 allows it through all levels of the stack.

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This company has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 849938