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Jamco Improves Efficiency and Employee Safety With DexoryView

Since expanding to North American market in early 2024, Dexory has deployed solutions in six states.

Since announcing its expansion to the North American market in February 2024, Dexory, the leading data intelligence company, has seen significant growth in the market. It has deployed its AI-powered robotics and analysis solution, DexoryView, for innovative customers across six states already. Its latest customer is Texas based JAMCO GROUP, marking the first deployment of the technology in the “Lone Star State”. JAMCO GROUP is using AI-powered robotics and digital twin technology to gain a deeper understanding into its operations across its distribution centers.

“The North American market has been very responsive to the DexoryView solution and value proposition,” says Todd Boone, Head of North America for Dexory. “Since our expansion to the market and our first customer deployment in early 2024, we have witnessed multiple high profile organizations such as JAMCO GROUP deploy the technology to gain visibility of their entire operations. Holistic real-time data enables powerful insights that are key to driving business forward in the modern age.”

Faced with unique challenges in its distribution center in Laredo, TX, where the JAMCO GROUP team has traditionally been carrying out cycle counts manually across a 400,000 square foot site with 26,000 pallet locations. Additional challenges for this site include racking systems that extend to six levels. Doing the cycle count manually, whilst relying on scissor lifts, has proven to be time-consuming and prone to inaccuracies. Prior to DexoryView, JAMCO GROUP also tried drone technology to optimize their warehouse and stock taking operations, but it was not able to achieve the level of accuracy or data required to drive actionable changes across the business.

“We tried drone systems, but these presented substantial limitations when it came to battery life and had inconsistencies when it came to reading barcodes,” says Rolando Valdes, Vice President of Information Technology at JAMCO GROUP. “We needed a solution that would provide us with data accuracy and that would be able to cope with sites that may be prone to floor imperfections. The Dexory robots are robust and durable and provide us with great accuracy for our cycle counts. We are able to have our cycle count done daily within a matter of hours and have rich, actionable insights at our disposal in real-time.”

With the robots carrying out cycle counts, JAMCO GROUP has been able to save countless hours in retrieving goods, which has resulted in the team being able to ship out an item quicker than before. One of the benefits from deploying DexoryView has been seen in employee safety. Due to the robot being able to scan up to 40 feet, there is no need for JAMCO GROUP to send employees to do counts at those heights.

“Forward thinking and innovative businesses are looking for ways that they can improve their services and make operations more efficient and JAMCO GROUP is exactly that type of organization,” says Oana Jinga, CCO&PO and Co-Founder at Dexory. “JAMCO GROUP required a robust solution that would deliver accurate and actionable data to ensure that its operations are not disrupted by inaccuracies or time-consuming processes. With DexoryView, the team is able to carry out tasks, while directing resources to more business critical operations.”

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This company has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 849938