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Automate pick-face counting with DexoryView’s Pick feature

In warehouse logistics, the pick face is one of the most labour-intensive and complicated parts of the supply chain. These areas demand high levels of precision, organisation, and optimisation for an efficient picking process, in an attempt to to slash retrieval times and streamline order fulfilment.

DexoryView is a game-changer solution, utilising real-time data insights to manage pick-face areas easily.

Understanding the pick face

Pick face analysis is a process in warehouse management that involves studying and evaluating the performance and efficiency of the designated storage area, known as the "pick face." The pick face is a specific rack or area in a warehouse from which pallets are incrementally picked to fulfil customer orders.

The analysis aims to optimise the pick face for efficiency, reducing the time it takes to retrieve items during the order fulfilment process. It involves leveraging real-time data insights to understand demand patterns, item popularity, and order frequency. By studying these factors, businesses can strategically determine which items should be placed in the pick face for quick and easy retrieval.

DexoryView - What is pick face?

In essence, pick face analysis is about making data-driven decisions to ensure that the most in-demand and frequently ordered items are readily available in the pick face, ultimately improving the overall efficiency of the picking process in a warehouse.

DexoryView's role with pick face fulfilment

Introducing DexoryView, equipped with an autonomous scanning robot, ready to change how warehouses deal with pick-face challenges. Here's how DexoryView makes a difference:

1. Dynamic stock scanning

2. Minimal barriers to adoption

Transformative use cases

Dexory's solution goes beyond traditional challenges associated with pick-face areas, and delivers tangible benefits:

Why DexoryView?

DexoryView goes much further than other solutions in improving pick-face efficiency:

1. Cost savings

2. Operational gains

3. Cost avoidance

4. Calculating ROI

Let’s talk it over

Ready to revolutionise your warehouse operations? Book a demo to learn more about DexoryView's transformative impact on pick-face fulfilment.

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This company has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 849938