Air cargo

Providing visibility and reducing the risk to cargo handlers

Meet strict compliance and customs requirements while ensuring goods never miss their flights or other means of transportation.

More goods are being shipped by air than ever. But cargo handling is complex and the consequences of goods getting lost or shipped to the wrong place can be huge. We minimise this risk by giving you reliable, real-time visibility of all the cargo in your inventory. This helps you optimise rack utilisation and accurate forecast space, so you can maximise the speed and volume of cargo processed through your warehouse.

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Ensure seamless operations and compliance

We empower your operations with tools to streamline processes and ensure every shipment reaches its destination on time, every time.

Automated cycle counting
Effortlessly manage air cargo inventory with cutting-edge automation, ensuring real-time accuracy and availability to meet demand spikes and optimise operational efficiency.
Productivity boost
Boost efficiency with automated stock reconciliation, minimising errors and maximising productivity across your air cargo operations.
Efficiency insights
Leverage advanced analytics for precise inventory insights, ensuring efficient operations and maximising profitability in the dynamic air cargo industry.
Customs control
We help you meet strict compliance and customs requirements by providing detailed, real-time tracking of all goods in transit. Our system streamlines the customs process, making it easier to manage and audit shipments, ensuring that all legal requirements are met efficiently.
Ensure timely transport
By offering real-time updates on cargo status and location, you can quickly respond to any delays or disruptions. Our platform allows you to coordinate seamlessly with transport partners, ensuring that cargo is loaded and transferred on time.
Running investigation easily
When discrepancies or issues arise, our system simplifies the investigation process. With comprehensive tracking data and detailed records of each shipment, you can quickly identify where and when a problem occurred.

Automate your cycle counting

Eliminate the labour-intensive and time-consuming inventory checks of the past. Transition from tedious manual counts to continuous inventory monitoring, ensuring stock is always available when needed.

With automated inventory management, you can align stock availability precisely with demand. Effortlessly move from manual processes to real-time inventory management, optimising your operations and ensuring timely access to cargo, boosting overall efficiency in your air cargo logistics services.

Full stock reconciliation

Achieve complete stock reconciliation and save hundreds of hours by eliminating misplaced item errors, significantly boosting productivity–through real-time, automated tracking of all goods in transit.

By minimising errors and ensuring every item is precisely where it should be, this feature eliminates the need for exhaustive searches and manual adjustments, enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of your air cargo logistics operations.

This also ensures that all necessary documentation and regulatory checks are completed promptly, reducing delays and avoiding fines or penalties.

Pick face analysis

Efficiently managing dynamic inventory in picking locations is crucial yet challenging due to potential manual errors.

This feature identifies discrepancies when location inventory is lower than expected compared to the WMS, allowing warehouse operators to address real issues effectively in locations that are at risk eliminating the need for a blind perpetual count. It can also trigger replenishment alerts when inventory levels fall below predefined thresholds, ensuring timely restocking and preventing stockouts.

Block stack analysis

The block stack analysis supports a 'managing by exception' approach, allowing for optimised resource allocation and increased productivity. Daily stock rectification helps minimise discrepancies and waste, essential for air cargo operators managing diverse and high-volume inventories.

Additionally, it facilitates informed replenishment decisions with detailed reports on inventory mismatches, helping you avoid stockouts and overstocking.

Scan warehouses of one million sq ft and over 100,000 pallets in a day.

What the industry says

The rise in e-commerce has significantly boosted air cargo demand, with e-commerce shipments constituting up to 20% of total air freight in certain regions. (source: McKinsey & Company)

The adoption of digital technologies and automation in air cargo warehousing is increasing, with advancements such as automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS) and AI-driven logistics solutions becoming more prevalent. (source: DHL)

Who we work with

And what they're saying about us

"It was important for us to use the technology to add real-time value to the operation. Mimi is delivering this, as on a daily basis we are scanning over 500 locations and achieving high accuracy levels in a fraction of the time it has historically taken to do it manually."

30+ hours per week saved through automated bond checks | 70% reduction in errors and greater clarity on inbound and outbound | 50% reduction in UTLs = less claims and increased customer satisfaction

Rory Fidler Vice President Cargo Technology at Menzies Aviation

Experience the future of air cargo logistics

Discover how our solutions can help you gather, analyse, and communicate data to drive efficiencies, reduce bottlenecks, and ensure timely deliveries in the fast-paced air cargo industry.

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This company has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 849938